Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Building QT Apps for TS-TPC-7395

Sure building the demo apps for QT embedded is easy enough but it's a little confusing if you're not experienced with QT on how to go about creating a new project that will compile for the 7395 on your Linux box. Here's what you need to do:

First let's edit your user's .bashrc file so that we can call qmake without having to specify the entire path:

Open ~/.bashrc in the text editor of your choice and add the following to it:
alias ts-qmake='/usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.5.3-arm/bin/qmake'
Once that's done you can call qmake for the Arm-Compiled QT Embedded as ts-qmake

So let's say you have a simple 'Hello World' QT application with just a main.cpp file. How do you compile it?

In your terminal:

$ ts-qmake -project 
$ ts-qmake
$ make

Now you will have a binary file that you can transfer over to your 7395 and run.

To run your program, kill the X server (if one is running) via ctrl+alt+backspace (or if you don't have a keyboard hooked up you can always kill the process via a terminal).

Then just navigate to the directory containing your binary and run it like this:


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